by KDZ Call Number

Browse by KDZ Call Number: America. North America

America. North America. Including the entire Western Hemisphere
1-999 General (Table KDZ-KH1)
Organization of American States (OAS). Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA)
Class here legal works only
For general works on the Organization of American States, see F1402.A1+
For works on the law or legal systems of two or more of the member states of the OAS see KDZ1+
For legislative cooperation, unification, or harmonization of the laws of states in the region at large see KDZ88

1101 Bibliography
1103 Periodicals
For periodicals consisting predominantly of legal articles, regardless of subject matter and jurisdiction, see K1+
For periodicals consisting primarily of informative material (Newsletters, bulletins, etc.) relating to a special subject, see the subject and form division for periodicals
1105 Monographic series
1107 Official gazettes
For the official gazettes of a particular organ, see the issuing organ
Intergovernmental congresses and conferences
see KDZ-KH1 8
Official records. Documentation
Class here the documentation of the organization as a whole
For a particular series of an organ of the OAS, see the issuing organ
1110 Serials
1112 Monographs. By date
Indexes. Guides
1114 Lista general de documentos officiales
1116 Indice analítico
Official acts
1120 Indexes and tables. By date
1122 Collections. Compilations. By date
Treaties and other international agreements
see KDZ10+
Treaties (Individual and collections) establishing and expanding the OAS see KDZ1144.2
Legal measures
see the issuing organ
1124 Yearbooks
1126 Directories
Collected works
Organization of American States (OAS). Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) Collected works — Continued 1130 Several authors
Festschriften see KDZ1136
1132 Individual authors
1134 General works. Treatises
1136 Addresses, essays, lectures
Including single essays, collected essays of several authors, Festschriften, etc. Organization law
1138 General (Table K8) Treaties establishing, expanding, and governing the OAS.
Charter of the OAS
1140 Indexes and tables 1142 Collections. By date
Including either multilateral or bilateral treaties, or both 1144.2 Individual treaties and conventions
Arrange chronologically by appending the date of signature of the treaty to the number KDZ1142.2 and deleting any trailing zeros. Subarrange each by Table K5
1144.2189 First International American Conference. Treaty establishing the International Union of Amercian Republics, Washington, 1890 (Table K5)
1144.21948 Ninth International American Conference. Treaty chartering the OAS, Bogotá, 1948 (Table K5) Including the OAS charter as amended by the Buenos Aires protocol of 1967/70 1146 Constitutional principles (Table K8) Foreign (external) relations. International cooperation Including membership in international organizations
1148 General Relations with the United Nations see KZ5003.A+ Relations with European regional organizations
see KJE
1152 Relations with non-member states
Intergovernmental relations and cooperation
1154 General (Table K8)
1155 Jurisdiction
Organs of the OAS
1157 General (Table K8)
1158 Election law (Table K8)
Privileges and immunities see the particular organ and member thereof
Organization of American States (OAS). Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) Organization law Organs of the OAS — Continued General Secretariat
Formerly Bureau of the American Republics (International Bureau of American Republics), and Pan American Union
1160 General (Table K15)
1162.A-.Z Particular departments and divisions, A-Z Administrative Tribunal see KDZ1189.A3 General Assembly 1164 General (Table K15)
Organization and procedure
1165 General works
1166 Representatives and deputies
1167.A-Z Particular committees and commissions, A-Z
1168 Powers and duties
1170 General (Table K8) Permanent Council
1171 General (Table K15)
Organization and procedure
1172 General works 1173.A-Z Particular committees and commissions, A-Z
1174 Powers and duties
Inter-American Economic and Social Council
1175 General (Table K15)
1176 Organization and procedure
1177 Powers and duties
Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and
1178 General (Table K15)
1179 Organization and procedure
1180 Powers and duties
Meetings of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs see JZ Inter-American Juridical Committee
Formerly Inter-American Council of Jurists 1182 General (Table K15)
1183 Organization and procedure 1184 Powers and duties
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights see KDZ1+ Inter-American Specialized Conferences see the subject
Organization of American States (OAS). Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA)
Organization law
Organs of the OAS — Continued
Inter-American Specialized Organizations
see the subject
Courts of Justice. Tribunals
1187 General (Table K8)
1188 Jurisdiction
1189.A-Z Particular courts, A-Z
1189.A3 Administrative Tribunal. Tribunal Administrativo
1190.A-Z Other commissions and committees, A-Z
1190.S6 Special Committee to Study the Inter-American System
and to Propose Measures for Restructuring It Civil service
1192 General (Table K8)
1193 Privileges and immunites
1194 Appointment
1194.5 Remuneration. Allowances
Finance. Budget
1195 General (Table K8)
1196 Board of External Auditors (Table K15)
1197.A-Z Special topics, A-Z
Individual countries
2001-2499.2 Bermuda (Table KDZ-KH3)
see KE
3001-3499 Greenland (Table KDZ-KH3)
4001-4499 St. Pierre and Miquelon (Table KDZ-KH3)
United States
see KF






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